Sunday, May 14, 2006

Today is Mothers Day. I feel a bit bad that I didn't remember to message my mother until like 2 this arvo. I'm at my boyfriends place and he had his mother over with her new boyfriend. She's 77 and he's like 70. They're both great people so in someways I think I realise that I have a secondary family which explains why it took me so long to remember my own mother. Its strange i love my mother don't ever get me wrong but its amazing to be included finally in Tim's family and due to the distance from my own family ( ie being about 3000kms away) I still feel at home. Having only started this blog its all new to me but I'm looking it at it as my way of clearing my head whilst also connecting with people. I'm actually not the most social person (wait very social but not that open about my own life if that makes senses) so this is a big step for me. Primarily this blog will eventually be about my music but right now I need to clear shit up for me to regain my focus on music. I'm a bit drunk which is one of my problems ( talk about THAT later) so off for now. Strange.........who am I talking to?????


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