Wednesday, August 23, 2006

How Do We Get People To Our Showcase??

Rachael and I are dealing with ideas of how to get as many people as possible to our showcase. We've thought of the idea of riding on the coat-tails as such of the Melbourne Fringe Festival which happens to be happening at the same time. We've suggested creating a brochure of about six to seven other showcases and calling it The Fringed Festival. By using a similar font to the actual Fringe Festival we figure that some people might pick up our pamphlet assuming its the real Fringe Festival and then come to our gig!!!! Of course there is always the more obvious ways to get people such as posters, press releases, radio interviews etc but how much do they really work? Guess we will find out. Keep an eye out for our Fringed Festival program coming soon.!!! If anyone else has any ideas of how to get people to this showcase we are all ears!!!!


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