Day 7 - 9

Arrived in the UK no worries at all, I still find going on the chunnel quite a kick as its a train for cars but anyway. We didn't even get close to London but the traffic was still horrendous so I am glad Tim is driving is all I can say. Of course I'm the brilliant accomplice/back-seat driver who tells him where to go and occasionally offers advice on directions. Spent the weekend at 'The Bunker' which is in Suffolk (finally realised that means South Folk) with Tim's friends Fiona & Richard as well as their 3 girls, Lottie (7), Bea (4) and Damarice (4 months). The Bunker was nice but not quite the "bunker" that we had envisaged as we were looking for some round building inserted into the dunes!!! Was nice all the same and still was a bunker of sorts as it housed the men who were stationed at the adjoining radar station in WWII. As such the walls and roof can withstand a bomb blast which could be reassuring in case of WWIII. On the way to London on the Sunday we stopped by and visited Tim's Mum's friends in Bury St Edmonds. Enid and Robin have been friends with Pat (Tim's Mum) for over 60 years and they are the most wonderfully hospitable people. They are 80 and 87 and are sharp as tacks and have great stories to tell. It was a pity that we only could stay for lunch. We will hopefully be back next July for their 60th wedding anniversary!!!! Also to coincide on that same weekend next July, we will be attending Damarice's christening as Tim has been asked to be Godfather, which is great. Anyway new updates soon. xx