Paris Day 5

Rue de Montorgueil
Well Paris is wonderful as per usual. It is so nice to have a 'home' away from home. Tim's apartment is great as is the street. Rue de Montorgueil (Montorgueil St) is a pedestrian street with heaps of cafes and restaurants and clothing shops and is in the heart of the gay area. Is literally 5 min walk to The Lourve and Notre Dame!!! The weather has been fine and hasn't been too cold. The city is possibly more beautiful in winter than in summer.
Have been socialising heaps (how unlike us, not!). Quite hilariously, across the street from the apartment we got talking to some other english speakers and they turned out to be fashion designers who are quite famous!!!! Leesa Fogarty??? There was a lot of press about her recently in regard to the fact that she used 'real size' models?? Ring a bell? How funny to meet someone like that by accidentt across the street!!!!
Anyway, off to London and the UK tomorrow. On Monday night, I'm going to go see the band Tool (heavy rock/metal) play with my old school friend Sadhu and then, hilariously in contrast, Tim and i are going to see George Micheal the night after!!!!!
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